Wednesday, October 13, 2010

So, what happened today. Hmmm... PSAT. I sat next to the lovely Alex Abbott, which was stupid on our behalf, because we are immature. The woman made a few sketchy comments that sounded too good with thats what she said added to it, so we were giggling. And then drawing pictures of Bradley, who looked like a cowboy today.

We all took forever to go to Bauers and when we got there actually had to work. I died laughing at lunch because Eddie was making funny noises!

In Physics... It was funny. I sit next to Auston Soloway and we talk about random stuff, like how I want to live in SF, open a center for gay prostitutes, how I like long jackets... Etc. I also got a rather short haircut yesterday and put some purple in it. (looks sick, btw) He definitely asked me if I was gay, and I was like "No" and he got heeeeeck embarrassed. It was prrrreeettty funny.

Then I told Bradley I was getting a tattoo (not true, but I'm having my friend design one anyway) and he asked what of. I told him of a unicorn- he starts laughing. And then I say on a rainbow- he laughs louder. I say with him riding it- he stops. It was pretty legit.

I went to Zestys Yogurt with Devin, Eddie, Willard, and Drake. It was hysterical. Poor Willard took a beating, but it was still fun in general. Drake showed us his old lady gallery- he had hecka pictures of random old ladies on his phone! SO FUNNY!

Then I had band and I was leading tonight. Okay, so usually we have a three hour rehersal and we practice the march 4 times or so. I also got to lead tonight...

Tonight we had two hours. We also spent fifteen minutes on squads, another ten or so on turning. We practiced the march SEVEN times, as well as parade ettiquete, and Inferno! Eddie texted me saying he could hear us. AWESOME? I think so.

Also, I picked up a book at the library today. It has stories about unicorns. Im gonna photocopy it and give it to Bradley.

See ya'all later!

Reason # 2 my life should be a sitcom- We had a stretch brake during the PSAT. So in the middle of the library, I start doing jumping jacks and jog in place.
Link of the Day

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